Monday, November 30, 2009

Seeing all of the possibilities that a child possesses.

It is amazing to see the difference in our students now that they are in the right place and in an environment that understands them and takes their individuality into consideration. As a teacher, parent, student, or as part of a community, take a moment to seek to understand before passing judgement. Often times we pass quick judgements without taking a moment to fully understand the person. Our students were children that many people have given up on because they didn't take the time to get to know who they are, understand them, and realize the special qualities that made them who they are. They were looked at as a disability instead of as a child. When we look at neurotypical children we see the potential and possibilities. We should do the same thing with children with disabilities. They also have potential and possibilities. Their disability doesn't define them. Who they are as a person defines them. Take a moment today and look at the people around you without judgment. Talk to them. Take a moment to see who that person is and think about what makes that person special. You may be surprised by what you see in them and in yourself.


  1. What a great point in which applies to all children. Every child is a challenge at times, some more than others. Your right! Their disability doesn't define them, who they are as a person defines them. Give the child the right tools to succeed and they will!

  2. I think this a great what you doing for the kids.
    I will always be a support to Alexsander Academy.

  3. Children have so much potential and they deserve an opportunity to reach it. We need to view children as children and not their disability. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
