Saturday, January 23, 2010

Programs Don't Teach Childen, People Do....

Often when parents and other members of the community come to visit my school, the first thing that they want to know is "What programs do you have here?" They want to know what specific programs we use to educate our students. We don't. I can never give a parent a straight answer because there isn't one program that can educate EVERY child. That is impossible. Rather we hire certified, qualified teachers that use their knowledge, training, and experience to educate our students. We build relationships with our students and tailor their education to their needs. A program cannot do that. A program doesn't know the child. A program doesn't know when a child isn't "getting it". As a teacher you see this and experience it with your students and then make adjustments so that they child can learn the material. Sometimes parents and other community members forget the difference a teacher can make in the life of their child and that the TEACHER is the one helping their child grow, learn, and make progress. I would hire an excellent teacher anyday over ordering an expensive program because the the teacher will have a much greater(and longer!) impact and effect on their students than any program that is out there.


  1. I agree with the post. Teachers are critical to student success. Great post!

  2. I never really thought about it that way. As a parent, I often looked for the programs that schools had to offer rather than asking about the teachers. Thanks for the insight.
