Friday, December 11, 2009

In the Spirit of Giving

As the winter holidays approach, my mind starts thinking about giving to others and how I can impact the lives of others. I teach my students academically, strategies to deal with their own disability and issues, how to socialize with others, communication skills, and try to meet their emotional needs. I do give back everyday to my students and hopefully their parents. So many of my students have other therapists that work with them and try and help them as well. Their parents, more than anyone else, give up so much so that their children can have everything that they need to be successful and have their needs met. I watch all of my students being given so much because their needs are so great....however, I have have started to wonder why we don't teach them to also give back to others. Doesn't it feel great to give to others and doesn't it empower you as a person to give to others? Why shouldn't we empower our students, including those students with needs, to give back to others in need so that they can also feel valued. Isn't it a great lesson to our children that they feel like CAN and SHOULD help others. Sometimes children that require a lot of support and assistance don't realize how much is being given and done for them so that they can get all of the help that they need. They don't see the sacrifices that their parents and teachers/therapists make to ensure that their needs are met. I think by teaching our children to give back to others, it may make them realize what has been done for them and appreciate it more. It also gives them a chance to feel as if they can impact someone else's life and feel empowered at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful and impowering post. Showing and teaching a child the dynamics of giving is simply put, paying it forward. I was blessed that my parents,teachers and community taught me the importance of giving at a young age, my son now carries this blessing.
